Thursday, May 03, 2007

Beer in Pittsburgh

While I was back in Pittsburgh earlier this week , I took the opportunity to try out a number of east cost beers that I have heard a lot about on BeerAdvocate, but hadn't been afforded the opportunity. Here they are:

Brooklyn Brown

Nice hoppy brown, more like Bridgeport than anything

Harpoon IPA

Strong IPA, less hops than the Victory

Magic Hat #9

Weak crap I wouldn't give to my dog.

Stoudts American Pale Ale

OK pale, a bit too bitter, prefer the 07 Widmier style. I guess they were shooting for the American style of pale, but they could have been more subtle.

Victory Hop Devil IPA

Hop levels remind me of Ruination, but without the higher ABV and no pine flavor, not for someone who doesn't love hops.

IC Light

If I lived in Pitt this would replace Coor's Light as my major session beer. Drank about 6 while there making it my session beer for this trip.

Troegs Hop Back Amber

The name is perfect, an amber with a hop backer. Basically reminds me of an amber colored brown. A bit sweeter finish than your average brown. It seems like this could be like a cheap, low ABV DIPA.

Yuengling Lager

I understand why they call this a gateway to micros, but for someone who has made the transition it is too much like MGD fir me, in other words too macro.



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