Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ASU 2007 Season Tickets

I ran into an issue when I went to renew my season tickets for the upcoming 2007 ASU football season. Here is the complaint I sent to the ticket office that details the issue:

"I just wanted to submit a formal complaint about what now appears to be my former seats. I have been a season ticket holder since 1994, and have sat in the same place for the past 6 seasons, section 24 row 50 seats 11-14. Apparently these seats were given to the visiting team this year. No notification was made that this was being done until I called to find out why my seats couldn't be renewed online. No action was taken on the part of the school to proactively find replacement seats for me. We hold seats next to friends and family and now have to go through a massive effort to make sure that we can still be near each other. My oldest child turned 3 in December and I was looking to try and acquire the seats immediately in front of me which went unoccupied for much of last season, in an attempt to instill a love for the school in another generation. I am now thrown into chaos, as I don't get 2 more seats and actually loose the ones I had.

What makes me angriest about this is that no effort to find an alternative was made, let alone was I contacted about this change. In the future I can only hope that your season ticket holders are treated better."

In the end, my new seats are now in Section 12, Row 42 Seats 5-8.

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