Dressing the Part

I don't think I could ever go to a convention for an toy / action figure and dress up. It is just over the top and ridiculous and sad.
Things that interest Mark Haugan: Technology, Arizona State University Sports, Books I Have Read, Lives of People Near and Dear to My Heart
On Sunday I went ahead and bottled about half of the brew. I sanitized 24 bottles and filled the up, racking the remainder over 2 cans of Oregon raspberries in heavy syrup. I hadn't planned on using the ones in the syrup, but that's what Sharon bought and it should work fine. I also wanted to start a test batch of Apple Raspberry Cider. I had 4 gallons of Tree Top apple juice sitting in the garage for when I was ready to bottle my first batch. That may be soon, but in the meantime I though I would do this test batch. Plus I needed some AJ to baste the pork butt I was smoking so I broke into one of these and used the extra to fill up a glass gallon container I had. I dumped in most of the syrup from one of the cans and some of the fruit along with my yeast and placed it in my fermentation chiller.
Labels: Beer, Homebrewing
Mary is really into playing with her sister. Whenever Rachel wakes up from a nap, she wants to run upstairs and get her up. She is starting to do a real good job of interacting with her, and helping us entertain Rachel as you can see from this video.
Labels: Family